It is mid morning as I decide to go and have a walk on the beach. The sun is out and the seagulls are swirling above the turquoise of the ocean. The smell of seaweed is in the air with the sand already feeling warm underneath my feet. A gentle breeze swirls my cream linen dress around my legs, locks of hair blowing out from behind me.
Thoughts are flowing so heavily through my mind, I hardly notice as a sea crab scurries in front of me in the sand. I am on my way to my important meeting. Will He welcome me with open arms? Will He like me or better yet love me? I can only hope I am accepted and comforted by Him. I feel the need to talk with Him, to hopefully find peace and comfort in my life or at least during this moment. I hear He is all loving. Hopefully He can see past the darkness of me and find the lost but loving soul inside. The person that is trying to be better, one He can be proud of and I can be proud of. One can only hope.
As I walk back to my room overlooking the ocean I cannot help but skip along with the biggest smile glowing on my face sharing with whomever comes along. Because today I learned that no matter what, we are all special and have gifts to share with the world. Today I make the promise I am going to strive to make Him proud and to use my talents by serving Him.
There He is, up ahead, sitting and waiting for me, Jesus. He looks so loving and kind. I already have this sense of peace and a feeling of coming home wash over me as I approach. I sit down in the sand next to him. He greets me with a smile and we converse like old friends. As I pour out my heart I feel this sadness and renewal wash over me all at once. I finally feel hope and love and above all forgiveness. I feel like I am worth it and things will be ok. He is proud of me He tells me and loves me no matter what. I feel so jubilant! I want to run and dance on the beach free from the heaviness of the past. Finally a new me can emerge, a new and stronger me. Our time together has come to an end but we promise to see each other again soon.