I was asked recently about wanting to be so open on my website and facebook page about my faith in God, by some well meaning people. People wanting only the best for me but being realistic about others expectations. I immediately admitted I knew the subject would come up but didn’t hesitate when I answered I wanted to be that open.
I have to admit I have done a lot of soul searching on this subject since this question was put to me. But you see how can I possibly explain what I do when He is the reason I do my work or He is the one that allows me to do this work? How can I deny He is a part of me or what I stand for?
While I am not close minded about what others believe I am very open about what I believe. Is my spirituality different than yours? It may be but it doesn’t mean I know God any differently. I respect we all have different beliefs, needs and ways of showing it. Isn’t that the way it is suppose to be? How else do we grow and learn and become who we are meant to be? There used to be a time when you could be open about your faith and now people seem to want to hide what they believe for offending others. How about we all respect and love each other and respect we may be different. Maybe that is the way of growing and learning.
So I choose to stay open and I will trust the right ones are led to me to share with. I will be proud of my FAITH and I will not be afraid to speak about it. I will also respect what you believe and know we can come together and share if we so choose. And in doing so; I will carry on with my purpose in life and will continue to be excited about my path.