The rest of the world is quiet and peaceful. Oh how I wish I could find that peace. Instead I am unable to sleep with too many thoughts clogging my brain; thoughts of the past three years, thoughts of the present and thoughts of the future. I know my life is changing in so many ways. I know I have a different mission in life with my work. I know I am called to spread God’s message but unsure how. I see my friends finding their path and somehow I am scared I will be left behind.
It is then I decide to go visit Jesus at our sacred meeting place; the Ocean. The golden light of a fresh new morning is just beginning to appear on the horizon with the ocean waves rolling in softly. The orchids are glistening in the early morning dew begging me to come smell their beautiful scent. Off to my left the sand fence is wrapped in bright red bougainvillea showing off their bright beauty. I step around a crayfish scurrying by in the sand just on the water’s edge. Out in the distance a pair of manatees float languidly by. The enveloping peace and love I find there is unfathomable.
Instead of finding Him sitting waiting in our usual place I see He is working on something intently. As I approach He turns to me and I see He is working on a rugged wooden cross. It is hanging on a string, which He places around my neck. And I know He is telling me I have important work I need to do. He then leads me to a spot where many people are gathered excitedly on stone benches. We take our seats and as my eyes focus on the speaker I can hear and see it is me. I am speaking about spreading God’s word. If we can have faith in our lives and trust God, anything can happen. Dreams you never thought you could fulfill will be fulfilled. Life will be more beautiful and meaningful. Life will be worth the hardships and lessons we must learn to fulfill our purpose.
Wonderment and awe fill me that Jesus is picking me to be one of His many messengers to spread His word. I still wonder how I am worthy enough to do His work. But I will choose to trust that He knows what is best. I will choose to have faith I can do the work He is calling me to do and I will do it proudly. How else can I show my gratitude for all of the blessed gifts He has given to me?
WOW! This post seriously gave me goosebumps! I am always amazed at how God orchestrates everything in our lives …He
He brings us to people for unknown reasons at the time until His plan starts to unfold…then we start to understand! I would love to share with you (confidently) the journey Steve and I have been in for the past 4 years…last summer was the first time I had been up to the lake with him for years…I was apprehensive about going but I now understand it was because God’s plan was for our paths to cross..when you asked me how I felt about psychics etc I about lost it because over the past several years I have learned a lot through conversations and readings!! I have often wondered who the man was you saw with me who had a message for me…I’m pretty sure it’s Steve’s dad Ralph! Anyway….I look forward to seeing you again this summer and would live to talk to you (if it can be confidential)
Steve and I are trying to heal…it’s been a loooooong journey!
If you ever want to text me my cell number is 515-890-7664
Thank you so much for sharing!!
Good morning Pam
Thank you so much for letting me know how the story touched you. God is very amazing isn’t he?
Oh my gosh Pam you are welcome to talk to me anytime and yes definitely confidential. Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing that with me. Anytime you would like to email, text or call I am here and open to being a listener if you need one. My number is 701-361-6867. I believe you are right about us meeting. I knew the first time I saw you I knew we would be friends. 🙂
I will share with you the man I saw by you had a blue button down shirt and I believe jeans on. He put his hand on your left shoulder as if to give you comfort and approval. I am sorry I didn’t get much more that day in description but because I was not in my normal receptive mode that was what I got on the surface. He did send you a flower, the Wisteria. I will share the meaning with you through text. I am having trouble attaching them in this email.
God Bless Dear Friend!
Theresa Pape