We were just wrapping up the morning at the Dr office with my Dad and as we are waiting in the lobby for the van to pick him up, I notice an elderly gentleman outside. The problem is he is trying to tuck in his shirt with his pants quite far down. Used to seeing people with pants hanging down nowadays I didn’t think too much of it other than I didn’t want to see more than I needed to.Â
On to other thoughts we sat visiting and watching people strolling past as we waited. Well on and on it went this gentleman would move a few steps over and his pants would be down again. Thankfully I finally realized he needed help. Thinking the volunteers could help I mentioned to them that maybe one of them could see if he needed assistance.
Next thing I know I can hear them laughing at the poor gentleman and not moving an inch. Disgusted and frustrated I go out to see if I can help him and it is then I realize he shouldn’t be alone. I try to help him get decent but me being smaller and on my cart; my help did not work so well. I next tried to have him sit and wait while I went to find others. Thankfully the front desk workers were wonderful and were just calling for help when the gentleman came strolling in.
And as I watched I couldn’t help but feel this wave of protection and worry for him that he was alone. And looking back sadness at all of the people that wandered by and not one offered to help. I for one am thankful I was there and tried and I am thankful I had the presence of mind to be compassionate even to someone I didn’t know.
Hopefully this is a reminder for all of us to look at each other with a little more patience, kindness and being one with each other. Step out to help someone even if it may make you feel a little uncomfortable. You never know you may be an angel in disguise to that person.