This week my life changed again when I lost Duke Weston; my other baby. The crazy thing is my guides were giving me warning signs but I refused to believe. I guess that is what denial does for you.
How can I describe what an impact the little guy made on me? His personality was so big and he came in with such a bang. After losing Alley I didn’t know if I could ever love another as I loved her. Before I knew it, he had a place in my heart just as Alley did.
And boy did he teach me many things. He taught me that great things can come in little packages. He taught me that he could give as much love and snuggles as any others. Little did he know he had to take over where Alley left off; but what a good sport he was! And he sure knew he was something. He would wear outfits to humor Mom and pose he did! Sometimes I think he would even smile, secretly enjoying all the attention. Oh, and you had to be careful not to do something he didn’t like; between his loud protests of squeaks and then proceeding to tell Mom all about the injustice. Hanging over the edge of his window making it loud and clear he wanted food, he wouldn’t be happy till he had a celery hanging out of his mouth happily munching away. If he was done being held, he sure let you know, grabbing his blanket by his teeth and pulling, the harder the pull you knew you better get him back to his condo quick. Let’s just say he was not a shy boy!
It is truly amazing if you keep your heart open to what these beautiful fur babies can teach you. They are the epitome of unconditional love and acceptance. They can even teach us to love ourselves. Because love, frankly is the answer to everything.
I have went through so many emotions this week, first denial, deep grief and anger. Anger I wasn’t able to have him longer. And yet I keep reminding myself I need to be grateful that God borrowed him to me. So each time the anger rises up I choose to thank God for allowing me to have him the time I did; short as it was. I will be strong as my bracelet says, and I will not let this knock me down. I will trust that God has a plan. I may not understand it now but I will lean on him during this time of sadness and grief. So, my sweet boy know I love you and miss you dearly and we will see each other again.