As I go through this life transformation, I cannot help but be amazed at the new me emerging or is it the old me I suppressed for so long? Funny I didn’t realize I had changed that much. It is truly life altering once you give yourself over to God; and I mean Truly give yourself over. Not just praying once in a while or going through the motions of church. I mean really asking for his will in your life.
I had hit rock bottom with many personal things going on and I was trying to make things happen on my own; funny how we try to control things without realizing it. But then one day I “spiritually woke up” and started asking not for what I wanted but I started asking for God’s Will. And boy what a roller coaster ride it has been.
Suddenly everything in my life started changing. So many emotions came pouring out, some I didn’t even know were buried. Thinking I had processed a lot of emotional baggage before, I was surprised I had to work through things I thought I was free of. Not only on the inside; but I am changing on the outside as well. Making self-love and self-care one of my top priorities. Eye opening it has been! Where once I thought I loved myself, is now apparent I was severely lacking.
I may not know my journey ahead but I will trust in His plan. I will stop trying to control and thank Him for the changes that are coming. Because of Him I am finding my new purpose and I am finding myself again. The peace I am feeling is beyond amazing! So; thank you God for really taking over my life and changing it in ways I could never imagine. I cannot wait for this new beautiful chapter!