Lately I have been seeing a couple of people close to me going through some rough patches in life; situations that are making them question who they are and what they want. For you see these people are talented, smart and successful. But yet they are questioning their self worth. Which believe me I can totally relate as I just went through the same thing the past four years. In fact how many of us can relate to that?
The funny thing is if only we could all know how amazing we are. We would be in awe at how many others admire us secretly; or for that matter how many we inspire. Too many of us compare ourselves to others, envying others looks or talents. But if you just look deep inside you will find many treasures.
We were all born to be different and special in our own unique way. We should embrace our different talents and passions showing to the world who we really are. The possibilities of trying new things you always wanted but never dared and finding inner hidden talents can be pretty amazing. Can you imagine a life where you are not always trying to impress others and just being YOU; how freeing that could be?! Let’s all face it is pretty exhausting trying to live life for other people.
I myself recently have been getting visions of things I am supposed to paint. Me, paint?! Don’t get me wrong I love painting but I never have been an artist so I was a little intimidated at first but then I realized if God wanted me to put forth the effort then that is what I would do. And you know what? I love my pieces so far! Just think if I wouldn’t have listened to my inner guidance and never tried. Only thinking I had to be like other people and do the norm? Thank God I did listen! Where this will take me I know not yet; but I will continue to listen to my inner guidance and create whatever He asks of me.