In order to do this work I have had to go through a lot of emotional processing these past few years. Sometimes about things I had thought I processed, sometimes things I am not even sure about, but the tears have flowed and I have allowed the emotions to wash through me. And now I am finally starting to feel like I know myself and most importantly loving myself. Do I still have a ways to go? Absolutely, but I am finally seeing the light.
During this journey I have realized my connection to God on a deeper more intimate level.  Don’t get me wrong I knew Him before but in a more structured way. Now I feel I can chat with Him like an old friend and I feel this deep amazing connection I have never felt before. I had always wondered what this deep emptiness inside of me was; finally I figured out it was my true connection with God.  You see I forgot I am a Spirit in a body; a Spirit that has always been connected to Him.
As soon as I started finding that connection, it is amazing the things that have been falling into place. You start to look at life in a whole different way, you start to feel this peace and calm even though you may have not fully realized your potential or reached your destination. You just know as long as you stay connected to God first and foremost, all will be as it should be.
I thankfully have finally gotten to the point of surrender and accepting things in God’s time, not mine. I will continue to remember my Spirit is my true authentic me, the rest is ego. Are there days I have troubles not worrying about certain things? Of course I am human, but I do continue to practice my faith every day and I can tell you every day my world is much more peaceful and easier to navigate.