Lying in bed the other night I felt the need to meditate; which is one of the ways I love to calm my mind before I drift off. Not knowing what I would discover but knowing it was going to be big, I went into my meditation. Usually I go to the ocean, but tonight was different.
I found myself walking along this quiet tree lined dirt path, with the leaves rustling gently in the breeze. Feeling safe and at peace in this beautiful magical place I rushed ahead wondering what I would find. Along my path I acknowledged a snake, grateful for the message it held for me. Not one to stick around where there are snakes, I rushed ahead eager to see what else I would find.
Finally I came to this clearing with a bench and trees swaying in the breeze. Shocked and excited to see my spiritual self sitting there I raced to embrace her. As I did this feeling of complete love and acceptance washed over me. As soon as I did I saw my spiritual self merge within me.
I then knew I had finally truly loved myself; spiritually, physically and emotionally. Do I love how my body looks? Of course, I like others have issues; but when they do come up I will try to look at my body as a beautiful creation God made. Do I wish I could be more patient and compassionate? Always! But at least I have taken this first step in really loving myself completely. And I will strive harder to fully accept myself, good and bad and will continue to invite God’s Love into my life.