After chatting with my friend Jodi recently, the subject of the pandemic that is going on came up and she asked me if I had any thoughts or visions on any of it. I admitted the feeling of the world getting reset, but decided to do a meditation and see what came to me.
In my meditation I found myself on this beautiful grass covered bluff with wildflowers everywhere. It was very peaceful, warm and sunny. As I went over to the edge to look out at the horizon I saw a town that was dark but with fires burning everywhere. I then realized it is the world.
As this sadness washed over me I realized this is a way of reconnecting with others and sharing our energy. Instead of only looking out for ourselves we need to help others in whatever way we can. Whether it be donating items if you are able or calling the people you haven’t spoken to in a while. Or thanking all of the first responders, grocery store workers, delivery people and workers in factories supplying us with the essentials?
Funny the subject came up again when I talked to one of my mentors and friend Georgia, it was then I realized I needed to write about this. What if this is God’s way of resetting the world. Of starting over with a new mindset that this Earth is precious and we are all precious in God’s eyes and we are here not to survive but to learn, help and love each other? So I plead with everyone after this is all over let us not forget the Unity we have at this moment, the compassion for each other; and let us respect and love this beautiful Earth God gave us and all of his creation to live on.
God Bless all of you and Keep you Safe!