I had a huge epiphany this morning. You see a picture was posted of me on social media (of course all in good fun J) and believe me, it was less than flattering. At first I was mortified, but then came oh well. I was offered by my friend Lisa to take it down but I declined saying so many had seen it already what is the difference. Then I really started thinking.
You see this picture is less than flattering as I don’t have any makeup on and yes let’s talk about the elephant in the “social room” I am a bit heavy on this picture and you know what; that is ok. Because this past year has been a year of recovery from duties, stress and loss of loved ones. I will admit I have been so exhausted most days I only get work done and a bit of painting and lots of naps; which is so unlike me. I have always been the one to go a hundred miles an hour from sunup to sundown.
Going within to heal and reconnect with feelings I have buried deep, has not always been fun or pretty but I am truly learning a whole new way of life and yes rediscovering the old me that got lost somehow. So exercise and my body have come last, not a good thing I know; but I also know it will not stay this way. In fact recently I have been really looking at my body and loving every inch of her regardless if she is heavy, wide, flabby or a multitude of other flaws.
So unflattering picture or not I can say I can really look at myself and say this is ok because the person in that picture is happy and finally at peace. This year will be a start over, because as I continue to work on my spirituality, I will now take time once again to work on my body and get back to the healthier me. Thank you God for this amazingly sad, glorious and enlightening journey!