Recently as I was lying in bed one evening I went into a meditation and happened to be looking in a mirror. In that mirror I saw me as a little girl looking back smiling and happy. I realized she had been waiting for me for quite some time.
As I looked at her it dawned on me how innocent and not a care in the world on her shoulders. Her mischievous eyes were looking at me bright and shining. What part of her is still inside of me I wondered? Why did I lose that feeling of knowing her, she is so happy and open.
I then listened to her and here is what she taught me. She said, “You don’t have to be so sad, you need to remember how fun life can be. You still have the ability to see life with a child’s eyes; you just need to look deep inside of you. There is magic everywhere and many reasons to be delighted. Life is not as hard as it seems, just look inside your heart and things will get much easier.”
After thinking on this for a few days I was reminded again how great God is that he creates us all so pure and innocent. This same little girl came in again to connect with my friend Emily to remind me she is still around and in me. I vow to take the time to sit with her more often and have her remind me how easy life can really be when I embrace and listen to my heart.