I was at a family function and the song “I Am… I Said” by Neil Diamond came on. Now I have heard this song plenty of times and always liked it but that day it spoke to me in a different way. For those of you who don’t know it, the song speaks about him trying to find where he belongs.
These past few years as I have changed and grown; I have many times looked at who I used to be and who I am becoming. Where do I belong, how do I make a difference in this world? With the loss of Alley, the loss of my dad and other personal things that have went on these past few years I have really questioned who I am.
Having no children or grandchildren like most people my age I feel alone and invisible. I start to question why do I exist? Have I made a difference in this life, will I make a difference going forward? I then turn to my mentor/counselor for guidance and thankfully she guided me on how not only to find myself but to see myself as I am.
With this new knowledge I am hoping and praying I make a difference in people’s lives with the holistic work I am called to do. I may not know yet exactly who “I Am…” fully but I will keep working at discovering myself and trusting God will lead me.